Magnesium Muscle Soak

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For: Painful, tired, stiff, aching muscles and post-workout muscle recovery

Ingredients: Magnesium Sulphate, Sea Salt, Baking Soda, Pink Himalayan Salt; Lavender; Coconut oil

Suggested Use: Dissolve 1 tablespoon of Magnesium Muscle Soak into running bath water. Soak in the bath for 20 to 30 minutes! 

The combination of salts and oils not only relaxes muscles but also soothes the skin, decreases skin irritation and helps to detoxify the skin. The coconut oil provides additional hydration to the skin.

Available in 2 options:

OPTION 1: In a jar (280g nett) - great as a gift!

OPTION 2: In a bag (300g nett)

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